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Website Terms of Use

Welcome to the website of BOKA Capital Ltd, an English limited company (“BOKA Capital”), a BOKA Group company including BOKA Founders LLC, a Delaware corporation. Your use of the websites on which these terms reside (collectively, the “Site”) and any features on the Site are subject to the Terms of Use, which we may update from time to time. By accessing this Site in any way, including, without limitation, browsing this Site, using any information, and/or submitting information to BOKA Capital, you agree to and are bound by the terms, conditions, policies and notices contained on this page (the “Terms”), including, but not limited to, disclaimers of warranties, damage and remedy exclusions and limitations, and a choice of Delaware law. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use this Site.

​BOKA Capital reserves the right to revise and update these Terms at any time and for any reason, with or without notice or obligation. Your use of this Site after we post any changes constitutes your agreement to those changes and your agreement to be bound by any such revisions. You agree to periodically review these Terms to ensure you are familiar with the most recent version. You agree that you do not have any rights in this Site and that BOKA Capital will have no liability to you if this Site is discontinued or your ability to access the Site is restricted.

Not Advice

This Site and the materials on this Site have been prepared by BOKA Capital for informational purposes only and are not intended to provide any advice. Receipt of this information does not create an business relationship. Do not act upon this information without seeking professional advice.

​By entering this Site you acknowledge and agree that any communication or material you transmit to this Site or BOKA Capital, in any manner and for any reason, will not be treated as confidential or proprietary. Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that any ideas, concepts, techniques, procedures, methods, systems, designs, plans, charts, or other materials you transmit to BOKA Capital may be used by BOKA Capital, anywhere, anytime, and for any reason whatsoever.

​You acknowledge and agree that no partnership or business relationship is formed and neither of you nor BOKA Capital has the power or the authority to obligate or bind the other.

Firm Content

Content on this Site that is provided by BOKA Capital, or its licensors, including, but not limited to, certain graphics, photographs, images, screen shots, text, digitally downloadable files, audio, videos, trademarks, logos, product and program names, slogans, financial market data, and the compilation of the foregoing (“BOKA Capital Content”) is the property of BOKA Capital and its licensors, and is protected in the U.S. and internationally under trademark, copyright, and other intellectual property laws.

​You agree not to download, display, or use any BOKA Capital Content located on the Site for use in any publications, in public performances, on websites other than this Site for any other commercial purpose, in connection with products or services that are not those of Company, in any other manner that is likely to cause confusion among consumers, that disparages or discredits BOKA Capital and/or its licensors, that dilutes the strength of BOKA Capital’s or its licensor's property, or that otherwise infringes BOKA Capital’s or its licensors’ intellectual property rights. You further agree to in no other way misuse any BOKA Capital Content or Third Party Content that appears on this Site.

​By entering this Site you acknowledge and agree that any name, logo, trademark, or service mark contained on this Site and all BOKA Capital Content is owned or licensed by BOKA Capital and may not be used by you without prior written approval. BOKA Capital will aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights to the full extent of the law. Nothing contained in this Site shall be construed as granting a license or other rights under any patent, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property of BOKA Capital.

Representations and Limitations of Liability

By entering this Site you acknowledge and agree that the Site is provided on an “As Is, As Available” basis. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to those of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are made with respect to this Site or any information or software therein. You agree that your use is at your own risk and that, under no circumstance (including negligence), shall BOKA Capital or any of the parties involved in creating, producing, or delivering this Site shall be liable for any direct, incidental, special, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages, or any other losses, costs, or expenses or any kind (including legal fees, expert fees, or other disbursements) which may arise, directly or indirectly, through the access to, use of, or browsing of this Site or through your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video or audio from this Site, including but not limited to anything caused by any viruses, bugs, human action or inaction or any computer system, phone line, hardware, software or program malfunctions, or any other errors, failures or delays in computer transmissions or network connections even if BOKA Capital has been advised of such damages. Nor shall BOKA Capital be responsible for any damages whatsoever that result from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files, errors, defects, delays in operation or transmission, or any failure of performance whether or not caused by events beyond BOKA Capital's reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of god, communications line failure, theft, destruction, or unauthorized access to this Site’s records, programs, or services. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages; as a result, the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

​Although the information contained in the Site is based upon up-to-date information, and while BOKA Capital makes all reasonable efforts to insure that all material on this Site is correct, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and BOKA Capital makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy.

Third Party Websites

Although this Site may be linked to other sites, BOKA Capital is not, directly or indirectly, implying any approval, association, sponsorship, endorsement, or affiliation with the linked site, unless specifically stated therein. By entering this Site you acknowledge and agree that BOKA Capital has not reviewed all the sites linked to this Site and is not responsible for the content of any off-site pages or any other site linked to this Site. Your linking to any other off-site pages or other sites is at your own risk.

Governing Law and Miscellaneous Provisions

These Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of Delaware without regard to conflicts of laws principles. By using this Site, you hereby agree that any and all disputes regarding these Terms will be subject to the federal and state courts located in the State of New York.